Farrell Engineering
Farrell Engineering
Farrell Engineering

A horizontal boring machine or horizontal boring mill is a machine tool which bores holes in a horizontal direction. There are three main types — table, planer and floor. The table type is the most common and, as it is the most versatile, it is also known as the universal type. A horizontal boring machine has its work spindle parallel to the ground and work table. Typically there are 3 linear axes in which the tool head and part move. Convention dictates that the main axis that drives the part towards the work spindle is the Z axis, with a cross-traversing X axis and a vertically-traversing Y axis. The work spindle is referred to as the C axis and, if a rotary table is incorporated, its centre line is the B axis. Horizontal boring machines are often heavy-duty industrial machines used for roughing out large components but there are high-precision models too.

courtesy of Wikipedia

Machines» Borers All Types
Product Product No Model Make Type Of Details
  119  u 100 (with dro)  pegard  horizontal table type borer   
  125  w100  Tos  horiz table type borer with face chuck and tailstock   
  126  hwcs-110.  defum  Wide bed horizontal table type borer (chuck & tailstock   
  127  722  ex-cell-o  used fine borer   
  406  HWCP 110  Defum  Floor Type Borer   
  528  2620B (90mm)  Stanko  Table Type Borer   
  543  CWC 80  Defum (Under Licence From Skoda)  80mm horizontal borer complete with tail stock , rotary table & heavy duty face chuck   
  550  WH 63  TOS  Table Type Borer with tailstock and facechuck   
  557  bft 90/5  union wmw  Table Type Borer with facechuck & Tailstock   
  562  WH 80  Tos   Horizontal Table Type Borer Machine With Face Chuck & Tailstock   
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